PhD Defense Completed - Mingjian Tuo

  • Congratulations to Mingjian Tuo, for successfully having defended his PhD dissertation defense on June 19, 2023. Mingjian is our group’s second PhD graduate. Great work during his 4-year PhD studies has been completed!

  • Mingjian Tuo’s PhD Dissertation title: “Enhancing Frequency Stability of Low-Inertia Grids with Novel Security Constrained Unit Commitment Approaches”

  • Here are Mingjian’s PhD Defense Presentation Slides.

  • Here is Mingjian’s PhD Dissertation.

  • Mingjian has received an offer from academia. He will start his first job as a faculty (associate professor-equivalent) in the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering at Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Hubei, China, in August 2023.

Figure. Group party celebrating Mingjian passing his dissertation defense and PhD graduation.

Figure. Slide 1 of Mingjian’s PhD Dissertation Defense slide deck.