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Principal Investigator

Associate Professor

Current Members
2020.08 to present, (i) B.S. (ii) PhD Student

Water-energy nexus, Microgrid energy management, Lunar Power Systems

2023.01 - present, PhD Student

Distribution network operations and DER integration

2023.01 - present, PhD Student

Microgrid optimal energy management, control and sizing

2023.01 - present, PhD Student

Grid integration of battery & solar, Power system stability & control

2023.03 - present, PhD Student

Microgrid sizing and design with battery energy storage

2024.08 - present, PhD Student

Power system transient stability, operation and control

2024.08 - present, PhD Student

Grid integration of clean energy

2024.08 - present, PhD Student

Transmission Grid Operations and Analysis

2024.10 - present, Undergraduate Student

Machine learning, power energy forecasting

2024.11 - present, Visiting PhD Student

Hybrid battery/hydrogen energy storage, microgrid energy management

2025.01 - present, PhD Student

Machine learning, microgrid energy management,

14 alumni, including 5 PhD graduates.

2020.08 - 2024.12, PhD Student

Power flow and optimal power flow, Neural network, Graph convolutional network

2023.08 - 2024.12, MS Student

Distribution system analysis, Load and network congestion prediction, EV grid integration

2020.05 - 2024.08, (i) M.S. (ii) PhD Student

Power system planning & restoration, Hydrogen energy, Impact of climate change

2022.12 - 2024.01, Visiting K-12 Student

Deep learning-based electric load forecasting

2020.01 - 2023.12, PhD Student

Microgrid energy management, Learning based battery degradation modeling

2019.08 - 2023.08, PhD Student

Frequency-constrained unit commitment, Inertia estimation, Deep learning

2019.01 - 2022.12, PhD Student

Security-constrained unit commitment, Transmission switching, Machine learning

2022.06 - 2022.09, MS Student

Offshore wind energy, Green hydrogen, Offshore grid

2022.08 - 2022.12, MS Student

Virtual power plant

2019.08 - 2022.05, MS Student

Risk-based microgrid energy management, Conditional value-at-risk analysis

2020.06 - 2021.05, MS Student

Demand response, HVAC, Microgrid energy management

2020.06 - 2021.05, MS Student

Electricity price prediction, Machine learning

2020.05 - 2020.09, MS Student

Demand response, HVAC modeling

2018.09 - 2018.12, Undergraduate