An Efficient PMU-based Fault Location Technique for Multi-Terminal Transmission Lines

Quanyuan Jiang, Bo Wang, Xingpeng Li. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery., 2014.
Authors in the RPG Lab
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This paper presents a new fault location technique for multi-terminal transmission lines using phasor measurement unit (PMU). A two-stage fault location model is proposed, along with defining nodal current unbalance, a fault location index. The first stage is the fault line selector stage, which uses the non-zero elements of nodal current unbalance to determine the fault line. The second stage is used to identify the exact fault distance. The computational burden of the proposed technique is very low because it provides an analytical solution and avoids iterative computations. The performance of this technique is thoroughly evaluated under various fault conditions. Very promising simulation results verify the accuracy and robustness of the proposed technique for multi-terminal transmission lines.

Index Terms

Fault location, multi-terminal transmission line, nodal current unbalance, phasor measurement unit.

Cite this paper:

Quanyuan Jiang, Bo Wang, and Xingpeng Li, “An Efficient PMU-based Fault Location Technique for Multi-Terminal Transmission Lines,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 29, no.4, pp. 1675-1682, Aug. 2014.