Renewable Power Grid Lab

Our overall research goal is to promote Renewable energy-dominated future Power Grids, i.e. Renewable Power Grids (RPG).

The RPG Lab led by Dr. Xingpeng Li at the University of Houston (UH) conducts cutting-edge cross-discipline research focusing on bulk power systems and microgrids. We leverage sophisticated methods in the areas of optimization, network science, data science and machine learning to advance power energy systems.

The RPG Lab is a part of the Power Electronics, Microgrids & Subsea Electrical Systems Center (PEMSEC) at UH.

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Posted on Feb 22, 2024
Posted on Feb 22, 2024
Posted on Jul 13, 2023
Posted on Aug 16, 2024
Posted on May 10, 2022 by Xingpeng Li
Website Structure

The People page lists all team members in the RPG Lab; each member has a unique profile webpage.

The Publications page lists all our published papers as well as papers that are under review.

The Resources page shares the data and codes we created.

The News page posts the news about the RPG Lab.

We also have a Blog page for group and personal posts, and life beyond research.

The 'Miscellaneous' above provides links to other pages in this website.