Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Considering Locational Frequency Stability in Low-Inertia Power Grids

Mingjian Tuo, Xingpeng Li. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023.
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With increasing installation of wind and solar generation, conventional synchronous generators in power systems are gradually displaced resulting in a significant reduction in system inertia. Maintaining system frequency within acceptable ranges becomes more critical for the stability of a power system. In this paper, we first study the impact of inter-area oscillations on the system rate-of-change-of-frequency (RoCoF) security; then, the limitations on locational RoCoFs accounting for G-1 contingency stability are derived. By enforcing these frequency related constraints, a location based RoCoF constrained security constrained unit commitment (LRC-SCUC) model is proposed. Furthermore, an effective piecewise linearization (PWL) technique is employed to formulate a RoCoF linearization problem and linearize the nonlinear function representing the location based RoCoF constraints in SCUC. Simulation results reveal that the inclusion of inertia-related constraints can substantially improve the system stability at the cost of higher operation cost. The results also show that deploying virtual inertia techniques not only reduces the total cost, but also improves the system market efficiency.

Index Terms

Energy Markets, Frequency stability, Inertia distribution, Linear programming, Low-inertia grid, Optimization, Security-constrained unit commitment, Virtual Inertia.

Cite this paper:

Mingjian Tuo and Xingpeng Li, “Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Considering Locational Frequency Stability in Low-Inertia Power Grids”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 4134-4147, Sep. 2023.