Optimal Skeleton Network Reconfiguration considering Topological Characteristics and Transmission Path

Jin Lu, Xingpeng Li. 53rd North American Power Symposium, 2021.
Authors in the RPG Lab
(might be unordered here; check the citation below)


Power system restoration can be divided into three stages: black-start, network reconfiguration, and load restoration. A skeleton-network should be restored in the second stage to prepare for the subsequent large-scale system-wide load pickup. This paper proposes a novel integrated skeleton-network reconfiguration (ISNR) model which considers both the topological characteristics of the network and the transmission path energization constraints. A novel topological characteristics-based skeleton-network quality index (TCSNQI), an index based on the network importance and distance, is proposed to evaluate the quality of the skeleton-network. The proposed ISNR model can attain both the target network and the associated restoration sequence for that network. The attained target network reaches a certain quality level, and it requires the least restoration time based on the attained sequence of ordered switching actions. The proposed ISNR model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. Numerical simulations on the New England 39-bus test system demonstrate the performance of the proposed ISNR model.

Index Terms

Black Start, Mixed-integer linear programming, Network reconfiguration, Power system restoration, Skeleton network restoration

Cite this paper:

Jin Lu and Xingpeng Li, “Optimal Skeleton Network Reconfiguration considering Topological Characteristics and Transmission Path,” 53rd North American Power Symposium, College Station, TX, USA, Nov. 2021.