
Renewable Power Grid (RPG)

As the electricity generation from renewable resources are growing significantly in recent years, it brings great benefits such as substantial CO2 emission reduction as well as grand challenges to the power grid. Our overall research goal is to promote renewable energy-enriched future power grids, i.e. Renewable Power Grids (RPG). Particularly, we explore various methods and research topics from different perspectives to facilitate the grid integration of renewable energy while ensuring the renewable power grid is efficient, reliable and resilient!


The RPG Lab is led by Dr. Xingpeng Li, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Houston (UH). Dr. Li joined UH in September 2018 while the first PhD student joined this group in January 2019. Since then, the group started to grow and expand. For more information about the group personel, please go to the People page.


This website is created as a platform to showcase our research work from the RPG Lab. The People page lists all team members including alumni of the RPG Lab; each member has a unique profile webpage. The Publication page lists all our published papers as well as papers that are under review. We also share the data and codes we created, which are made publicly available and summarized in the Resources paper. We also have a Blog page for news and life beyond research.


Our website is built upon the webpage designed by Dr. Trevor Bedford. We downloaded and modified their source codes that they use for the Bedford Lab's website. Their 'about' page has more information about their source code.

Source code

We started with a template source code as described in the above Acknowledge section and made some customized changes for our RPG Lab's website. The modified source code for this website is also freely available on our GitHub page.